Come Worship With Us!

  • Sunday Morning

    Sunday Mornings we meet for Sunday School at 9:30. Children, Youth and Adults all have discipleship materials designed specifically for their age groups. At 10:30, we all gather together to worship in song, prayer, scripture, and the Lord’s Supper. We love worshipping with all ages together, and encourage participation over perfection. You will see people of all ages taking part in our liturgy.

  • Church:Live

    On Sunday evenings, 5:30-7:30, we have a wide variety of fellowship gatherings where we share meals, serve the community, enjoy seasonal activities, and check in around our spiritual formation as individuals and as a community. We use this as a flexible time to practice many different things as a group, so keep your eye on the news page for specifics.

  • Wednesday Night

    Wednesday Night Bible Study for youth and adults is a time for learning new things and asking real questions about our sacred texts. We encourage a diversity of voices and seek out new perspectives on these ancient words. We tend to stick with a specific content area for 6-8 weeks, but anyone is welcome to join at any time and will still get something out of it. We are excited to hear from you.

Children’s Ministry

Intergenerational ministry is the cornerstone of our children’s program. We fully include all age and ability levels in every part of our church life, from Sunday morning worship to Sunday night service projects. We do not have a staffed nursery, but a “cry room” space is available if little ones need a break during Sunday worship or other events. 

We emphasize all-age-level participation at Brook Hollow, and we also believe that children need a chance to learn faith in a way that they can understand. To meet this need, we hold a children’s Sunday School class every Sunday morning at 9:30, and regularly schedule “kids nights” with crafts, games, and Bible stories during our Sunday night Church:Live meetings.

Youth Group

Every generation of parents tries their hardest to prepare their kids for the world, and every generation of young people inherits a world their parents couldn’t have imagined. Knowing that we can never give our kids everything they need for life and faith in a quickly evolving world, we are trying to give them the tools to study the Bible and culture for themselves, and the problem solving skills to figure it out for themselves.

We strongly believe in intergenerational worship participation and leadership, so we are equipping. our students with opportunities to lead and serve. We also provide a safe place to have fun and love on one another through the complicated years they are navigating. We have a very welcoming and supportive group who love one another and love to laugh and have fun.