Love Grows Here.

This motto was on the sign at our old building for years and years, and I think it’s still a great representation of who we are as a group. A church is not a perfect place full of perfect people, but we are in a process together of growing in love. We learn together because we all have different things to offer, and we learn together because we are all sometimes in need of love and patience. When that old building became more than we could financially maintain, our congregation had the choice to hold on to the building they had seen their parents build and their children married in, or to hold on to the community that they had seen grow in that place. They chose the community. We are a small community —you won’t be able to hide here or disappear— but we love each other, and I have seen the people here show love and kindness to everyone who walked through the door. We sometimes have really different views on the world from one another, but the beauty of the disciples tradition, and this community in particular is that we continue to make the choice to value sharing life in Christ together over comfort, homogeneity, and going unchallenged. We welcome each others doubts and questions, and we work through things together. We have members from five to one hundred and two, and we love to worship together, to share the table of communion, and to continue asking questions and working it out. We also love serving in our community. Even with only a handful of people on any given Sunday we jump into every opportunity to share the love we have found with anyone we can find, not just with words, but with our actions.

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“After a few years of struggling to find a church home, what I have loved most about Brook Hollow is the commitment to worshipping and service in community regardless of unique theological beliefs, the practice of  integrated spiritual formation and discipleship among age groups, and the respect for questions and learning new perspectives.”